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group of sixteen adults of various genders smiling in group photo



The purpose of the Virginia Music Educators Association, Inc. (VMEA) is to promote quality music education throughout the Commonwealth by providing leadership, instructional resources and professional development opportunities for Virginia’s music educators.


VMEA advocates and supports music education in all of its forms across the Commonwealth. Current VMEA membership averages 3200 members including Active Members, Retired Members and Collegiate and Pre-Service Members.


VMEA is actively involved in the support of Music Educators at every level from Pre-K through University.


Reading, writing and performing music is one of the exclusive activities that actively engage not only the mind and body, but both hemispheres of the brain.


VDOE has identified 5 “C’s” that are essential skills for a graduate to be successful. Study in a music performance class meets every one of these criteria

Critical Thinking

Music is not one- dimensional, it involves perceptual skills, cognitive skills as well as motor skills. When students demonstrate musical knowledge, they are able in integrate their perspectives while expressing themselves in creating, performing and/or analyzing musical works. 

Creative Thinking

Music is creative at every step: creation, process interpretation and performance. Students integrate ideas while creating new works as well as their expression each time they perform.  They demonstrate knowledge and choices when arranging, orchestrating, improvising and using technology in musical compositions and performances.


Music ensembles are groups of collaborators, working together regularly, which require goal setting, problem solving, and project and performance agreement. The discipline and synergy that these groups foster create the life skills of leadership, decision-making and self-awareness.  they constantly demonstrate collective problem-solving skills for all aspects of life.


Music is the mediator of human relationships and is a direct expression of human emotions.  When students communicate the language of music to their audiences through response to a conductor and/or their personal interpretation, they demonstrate their interpersonal skills of decision-making, identity and expressiveness.


Music is an inclusive and engaging service to our schools and communities through public performances. Through music individuals are encourage to think more deeply and critically about the world they live in. They are exposed to the many culture and style of music that exist in our global world.

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