2022 Conference Small Ensemble Performances
Event Chair
Doug Spruill
Final Performance
Dates & Location
November 17-19
Richmond, VA
As part of our 2022 Professional Development Conference, VMEA will be bringing back informal
performance opportunities for small ensembles at this year’s conference in Richmond. This will
enable VMEA to provide more performance opportunities to school groups from across the
Commonwealth, particularly for those schools who have found it cost prohibitive to perform at
the conference.
1. Performances will take place in the multiple spaces in the conference center.
2. All performances will take place on Thursday or Friday.
3. Ensembles will be limited to 8 student performers.
4. The length of programs will be 20 - 30 minutes or less.
5. VMEA will provide chairs and music stands (for performers) if needed.
6. Any additional equipment will need to be provided by the selected performing groups.
7. Applications must be submitted by Friday, September 30, 2022.
8. Accepted Groups will be notified by Monday, October 10, 2022.
9. All applications must include mp3 recordings (1 Selection) of the current group applying
to perform at the conference.